Spotify Offers Barack Obama A...

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Spotify Offers Barack Obama A Job

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

12:22 10 Jan 2017

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It's fair to say that since his role as President of the USA is coming to an end, Barack Obama will be a man in demand.

There's been all sorts of speculation as to what Obama will do with his next venture. Some suggested maybe opening his own law firm, following his background as a civil rights lawyer and a lecturer in law in Chicago, while during the election campaign (when it was thought Hillary Clinton would win) it was suggested that maybe he would be appointed to the Supreme Court.

However, the Spotify CEO has approached Obama on Twitter with a job offer titled 'President Of Playlists.

According to the job spec, the applicant will need to 'Provide world-class leadership to our playlist editors and supporting staff' and 'Identify and substantiate new playlist ideas, e.g. from a playlist for shooting hoops with your friends, to the perfect warm up playlist for addressing the nation about health care legislation that bears your name.'

Meanwhile, when it comes to experience, 8 years running a 'highly-regarded nation' is key, while they're really interested in talking to anyone who has had Kendrick Lamar play at their birthday party.

Sounds like there's some tough competition for anyone who chooses to go for that role, if Obama does indeed go for it.

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