Obama Delivers Final Speech As...

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Obama Delivers Final Speech As US President

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

09:10 11 Jan 2017

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"Democracy needs you" just one of the phrases used by US President Barak Obama in his final speech in office, before Donald Trump becomes the occupant of the Oval oOffice in just over a week.

It's been an emotional eight years for Obama, one that started with the worst financial crisis experienced in his lifetime, hampering any economic growth during his first term in office. An issue he didn't shy away from during his one hour speech last night, which was held in Grant Park, Chicago - the same place where he held his victory ceremony back in November 2008.

Obama also used last night to talk about all the positive social change he made during his time in office, like making gay marriage legal in all states, repealing 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' and bridging the racial gap in some areas. He also spoke about his achievements in Iran and the death of the 'man behind 9/11', Osama Bin Laden. 

The outgoing democratic President also called for calm and unity in America over the next few weeks and months after a very turbulent election campaign which saw huge division and tension is many areas of America.

Have a look at this full speech below.

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