New Concept Secondary School O...

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New Concept Secondary School Opens In Dublin Today

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

08:39 3 Sep 2018

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A 30-year-old entrepreneur is opening a pioneering new school in Dublin today worth €4.6 million. 

The Dublin Academy of Education will provide full-time education for 5th, 6th and repeat Leaving Certificate students in a bespoke building in Stillorgan.

Education entrepreneur Chris Lauder says he wants to bridge the gap between 2nd and 3rd level education while supporting students' physical and mental health.

"First of all what we let students do is manage their own timetable so they can choose the subject they want to do unlimited subject choice that gives them free study periods throughout the day that they can utilise to work on there own work outside of the classroom."

Students in English classes, for example, will be encouraged to do "group work and discussion so they can collaborate with each other to help form ideas on poetry or Shakespeare... The ultimate aim there is to help them develop their own opinions."

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