Instagram Will Now Let You Con...

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Instagram Will Now Let You Control Who Comments On Your Posts

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

12:07 27 Sep 2017

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Instagram has announced some changes today, including a way to control who comments on your posts and mental health supports.

In a blog post, they announced the new tools which will mean that if your account is public, you'll be able to choose who can comment on your posts whether it's anyone or just certain groups of people like people you follow.

There will also be mental health resources such as the ability to anonymously report it if you see a live video where someone is "going through a difficulty time or in need of support". The app will give them a number of options including talking with a helpline volunteer or getting tips and support.

The company say it's to "strengthen their commitment to safety and kindness" for the almost 500 million people who use the app every day.

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