Influencer Says Course On Infl...

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Influencer Says Course On Influencing For Students Is A Great Idea


05:15 14 Jun 2021

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Aspiring influencers can now study a course to help them launch an online career.

IT Carlow has launched a week-long summer class.

It's being aimed at secondary school students from TY to 6th year.

The aim is to help them develop their online presence, build a business or launch a fan page.

Dr Irene McCormick designed the course.

She says many people don't take influencers seriously.

However, she says they're actually “incredibly hard-working and industrious”.

Holly Carpenter Says A Specifically Designed Course Is 'Brilliant'

Influencer Holly Carpenter thinks the course is a good idea:

"I can tell right off the bat that there's going to be a group of people who don't take this seriously."

"People who don't quite understand the impact of influencer marketing, and where it sits now in today's society."

"I often get messages from young girls or guys asking me how to get started, or asking if I have any advice."

"They could be looking at a marketing course or something like that."

"But if there's something specifically designed for aspiring influencers, I think that's brilliant."

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