Higher Chance Of Alien Life Af...

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Higher Chance Of Alien Life After NASA Discovers New Solar System

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

06:20 22 Feb 2017

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This is a huge development!

NASA yesterday revealed they'd be making a groundbreaking announcement, which led to loads of people questioning whether they had finally discovered alien life.

They haven't quite, but they may have taken a huge step.

It's been revealed that NASA has discovered a solar system more than 40 light years away in the universe, with at least 7 'Earth-like' planets in it.

The planets orbit a star which NASA have called TRAPPIST-1, like in the image below:

Image: NASA

The TRAPPIST-1 star is said to be colder than our Sun and the planets are closer to it, which means there's three planets within the ideal temperature ranges for the possibility of water being found on that planet.

The discovery is so significant that NASA are now hugely confident that finding another Earth.

Thomas Zurbuchen of NASA, says: “This gives us a hint that finding a second earth is not just a matter of if, but when."

This could prove to be a huge discovery!

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