Crowds Gathering At The Weeken...

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Crowds Gathering At The Weekend Compared To Post-War Celebrations


01:16 31 May 2021

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The scenes of large crowds gathering over the weekend have been compared to V Day celebrations.

A senior HSE official says covid hasn’t surrendered and the war against the virus isn’t over.

CMO "Shocked" At Crowds On The Streets

The Chief Medical Officer was the first to criticise large crowds socialising after he personally spotted them in Dublin over the weekend.

Now the HSE’s Chief Clinical Officer Dr Colm Henry has also weighed in and he isn’t holding back.

"It was as if the virus surrendered, but this virus doesn't surrender."

"But it exploits complacency."

While public health officials have been strong with their words, the Government is being a lot more cautious.

The Green’s Neasa Hourigan says people were socialising outdoors, like they’ve been told to.

"Many of them, including myself, who don't have outdoor space."

"We don't have a lawn to sit out and drink our glass of wine on."

She says, "we don't have a front garden to sit out and do that."


Fianna Fail’s Niall Collins is also being careful with his words.

"It shouldn't have happened, I agree with the CMO."

"But we have to understand where people are coming from."

While Gardaí say no significant public order issues were reported over the weekend.

Adding that the local authorities are responsible for managing public spaces.

Main Photo From November 2020

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