Capped Increases In Rent Press...

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Capped Increases In Rent Pressure Zones "Don't Go Far Enough"


01:36 1 Jul 2021

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Capped rent increases in rent pressure zones don't go far enough to protect tenants, according to some commentators.

Measures have been approved to link rents in RPZs to inflation, instead of the current cap of 4 percent increases each year.

"It's All About Profit" - Dublin Renter

Matthew describes the reality of house hunting in Dublin, as a single person who has been a tenant for over 25 years.

"You get a boxroom for 800 quid, but what they do is they call it a studio."

He says, "you wouldn't even have to get out of bed to switch on the cooker."

"It's all about profit."

Rent Pressure Zones Increases Will Change

Today’s announcement means that for tenants living in rent pressure zones, their rent can only increase by the rate of inflation.

Currently, that means a maximum increase of about 2% per year instead of the 4% as it stands right now.

But Mitch Hamilton from the Community Action Tenants Union says more needs to be done:

"Some kind of rent freeze, possibly even a rent reduction would be ideal," he says.

Adding to that Mitch says people are forking out thousands to put a roof over their heads.

Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien says he’s working to bring in measures to support long term tenants:

"Things like rents and tenures of indefinite duration are being worked on."

Figures from Threshold released today found that over half of all tenants feel insecure in their accommodation.

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