Emma Stone & Jonah Hill's...

Movies & TV

Emma Stone & Jonah Hill's Series 'Maniac' Coming To Netflix Friday

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

02:35 19 Sep 2018

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If you're looking for a new series to stick your teeth into, Maniac is the one for you. 

It stars Emma Stone and Jonah Hill, two outsiders who find their lives are transformed by a mysterious pharmaceutical trial. 

Annie’s (Stone) is disaffected and aimless, fixated on broken relationships with her mother and her sister.

Owen (Hill) is the fifth son of wealthy New York industrialists, and has struggled his whole life with a disputed diagnosis of schizophrenia.

Neither of their lives have turned out quite right, and the promise of a new, radical kind of pharmaceutical treatment - a sequence of pills from inventor, Dr. James K. Mantleray (Justin Theroux) sounds appealing. He claims can repair anything about the mind, be it mental illness or heartbreak.

He draws Owen, Annie, and ten other strangers to the facilities of Neberdine Pharmaceutical and Biotech for a three-day drug trial that will apparently solve all of their problems permanently with no complications or side-effects whatsoever.

Things do not go as planned...

All 10 episodes of Maniac drop on Netflix Friday on September 21st. 

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