Fun Things To Do If You're...


Fun Things To Do If You're Home Today

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

11:10 28 Feb 2018

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You got the text. School & college is closed and your boss was sound and told you not to come in today. Life is good. It's officially a snow day. It doesn't show sign of stopping and you're happy to stay in your jammies all day long. 

Here's some fun things to do while you're at home today. 

1. Cook something 

With the serious shortage of bread in Ireland, perhaps you need to put on Pat the Bakers' apron and bake some yourself. If you're feeling adventurous you can try out recipes such as beef stew, veg soup and a vegan pot pie here

ratatouille cooking GIF

2. Binge on Netflix & telly 

There's so many things to watch on Netflix and TV today. From comedy to thriller and real life doc, there's something for everyone. For our list of Netflix recommendations click here & for TV here.  

big bang theory help GIF

3. Go sledding / build a snowman 

Get on your chunkiest boots and forty-five layers and you're good to go. 

sledding too cute GIF

4. Drink a warm beverage 

If there ever was a day for hot chocolate, today is the day. Peanut butter & salted caramel taking you're fancy? Check out the notions here

whipped cream drinking GIF by Hallmark Channel

5. Read a book

You know that book your work friend recommended to you months ago you said you'd read? Dust it off and give it a whirl. 

beauty and the beast book GIF

6. Plan that holiday

The snow is pretty to look at now, but once it turns slushy it'll be gross. Get on to your friends and get planning that summer break you've been putting off. Chances are, you're all in front of your laptops anyway either working from home or chillin'. 

happy eddie murphy GIF

7. Treat yourself

Do a face/hair mask. Paint your nails. Have a long bath. Whatever makes you feel good. 

adam sandler bath GIF

8. Get workin' on that online dating profile

Everyone is at home bored. Swipe away to your heart's content. 

bored tinder GIF by SoulPancake

9. Most importantly - enjoy it! 

treat yourself parks and recreation GIF

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