There's A First Dates Boar...

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There's A First Dates Board Game, And It Looks Gas

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

11:53 30 Aug 2017

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One of the greatest things about watching First Dates is the fact you get to witness all of the incredible awkwardness. 

If you've always dreamed of being a contestant on the hit show, but can't get handle the thought of eating a meal with a total stranger on national telly - well, you're in luck. Your game nights with your friends, other halves and potential lovers are about to get turned up a notch. You can forget Cluedo and Monopoly. 

First Dates: The Boardgame has arrived, and now you can enjoy being totally scarlet right in the comfort of your own home. It lets you ' recreate these excruciating moments' and you don't have to get dolled up for the cameras. WIN. 

The aim of the game is to find out the deepest thoughts and experiences of your date. Players pair up with a pretend (or real) date and play goes over three "courses" — starter, main and dessert — with each round of questions getting progressively more provocative.

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Starter being like 'who has weirder parents'. Getting deeper with the main course 'who has the best poo story' all the way up to dessert when the saucy questions come out. 

First Dates: The Boardgame is available to buy from Fire Box HERE


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