PLAN B: Sitting The Leaving Ce...

The Bellissimo Files

PLAN B: Sitting The Leaving Cert ? Aisling Keenan Has The Study Tips You Need

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03:02 27 Apr 2019

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The Leaving Cert

It is of course a bitter sweet time the Leaving Cert.

We are finishing school but that one exam that we have dreaded from the day we knew it existed is here.

The weather is getting better but you are stuck indoors trying to complete that tedious task that is studying.

But it doesn't have to be as bad as we think it is.

Today on Plan B Sarina caught up with Aisling Keenan who has shared her top study tips for making the next few weeks a breeze.

The Highlighter

We have all done it. We have all gone through four different colours of highlighters simply because we have highlighted every paragraph in our books.

Well, Aisling says drop the highlighter and practice active study.

Simply going through a book, reading and highlighting it won't stick in your brain.

What she suggests will be far handier when you need to get that information down on paper.

Planning and Active Study

Before you start your day of studying make a plan quite similar to your school routine.

Study one subject and then conduct an active study technique such as quizzing yourself or having a family member quiz you on what you just studied.

Aisling stresses that we must plan because studying for 7 hours straight while binge eating sweets will not do us any favours.

Make sure you have planned what time you will break to go for lunch.

But of course don't get distracted make sure you actually return to the books.


Stay away from energy drinks.

These may help you in the short term but in the long run the will not benefit you.

As Aisling points out you won't be allowed to bring these type of drinks into the exam hall so don't start drinking them now.

Keep calm and ask for help

The most important tip is to keep calm and remember that it is only an exam.

If you are feeling overwhelmed Aisling suggests chatting to a your favourite teacher or a family member.

This will help take the stress of and speaking to someone else will allow you to figure out helpful solutions.

Listen Back

You can listen back to Aisling's full interview here:

PLAN B: Sitting The Leaving Cert ? Aisling Keenan Has The Study Tips You Need

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