TRAILER: Live-Action Little Me...

Movies & TV

TRAILER: Live-Action Little Mermaid

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

12:04 10 Mar 2017

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A live-action version of the Little Mermaid has finally arrived - but before you get too excited, it's not the Disney version we were all expecting. 

Although Disney does have a live-action remake coming, it has been beaten by a version, with a twist. 

Downton Abbey's Poppy Drayton as the main mermaid, but she's called Elizabeth - not Ariel. 


This version is based on the Hans Christian Andersen original mermaid story, not the Disney one that we all know word for word. 

This movie follows Elle and her older brother Cam who investigate Elizabeth - a mermaid in the Mississipi Delta. 

They find her trapped with a circus and decide to free her. 

It's hitting cinemas later this year. 

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Disney are working on a live action version of the one starring Ariel that we all know. We'll just have to keep waiting! 

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