Saturday Night Live's Iris...


Saturday Night Live's Irish Sketch Was Simply Terrible

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

12:28 18 Mar 2018

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Where do we even start with this one?

St. Patrick's Day is not just an Irish event anymore.

It's gone global with everyone getting involved be it through dressing in green, singing Irish songs, or making a mockery of the country on live TV in front of millions of people.

Saturday Night Live on NBC went for the last choice mentioned above with their 'Kiss Me I'm Irish' sketch last night. 

Usually SNL produce top quality sketches, but their Irish themed ones seem to fall short of any decent standard. (Remember Saoirse Ronan's Aer Lingus one?)

We'll leave this here and you can make up your own mind:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The awful Irish accents are understandable because that's what they do, but the whole implication that most of the country is related to one another and fancy their cousins is pushing it a small bit.

Let us know what you think of SNL's latest Irish effort.

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