Stranger Things Season 2 Episo...

Movies & TV

Stranger Things Season 2 Episode Titles Revealed

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

12:17 10 Oct 2017

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17 days and the second season of Stranger Things will be on Netflix for us to binge on, and we're not alone in our excitement, that's for sure. 

The show's Twitter account dropped the short teaser, which reveals six titles from the upcoming series. 

  1. Madmax
  2. Trick or Treat Freak 
  3. The Pollywog
  4. Will the Wise 
  5. Dig Dug
  6. The Spy 

However, the final three episodes are just simply called Chapter 7, 8  and 9. Mysterious.

Stranger Things season two drops in full on Friday October 27th.

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