Love Island Spin-Off Show Airs...

Movies & TV

Love Island Spin-Off Show Airs Tonight

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

02:26 1 Oct 2017

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The wait is finally over! 

Love Island have confirmed that Chris and Kem's spin-off show will air tonight. 

Straight Outta Love Island will be on ITV2 at 9pm tonight and tomorrow night. 

The teaser shows the pair backstage at the V Festival where they are reunited with Stormzy.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Name a more iconic trio...<a href="">@ChrisHughes_22</a> and <a href="">@KemCetinay</a> are reunited with <a href="">@Stormzy1</a>! <a href="">@ITV2</a> 9pm Sunday &amp; Monday <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Love Island (@LoveIsland) <a href="">September 30, 2017</a></blockquote>
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Chris and Kem never actually met Stormzy before the festival but the rapper did teach the pair how to rap over Skype whilst filming for Love Island was taking place.

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