Kim Kardashian's Company I...


Kim Kardashian's Company Is Being Sued Over A Selfie Case

SPIN 1038
SPIN 1038

12:46 1 Aug 2017

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If someone says selfie, one of the first people you'd probably think of is Kim Kardashian West.

Well, it looks like they might have gotten her into a bit of hot water.

Her company, Kimisaprincess Inc, is being sued over a smartphone case with a built-in light designed to help people get that perfect selfie every time.

A guy called Hooshmand Harooni reckons the design for the LuMee case was copied from him and is now bringing a $100 million lawsuit against Kim's company.

He says that his design for an "integrated lighting accessory and case for a mobile phone device" is patented and that the company who he licensed the design to has taken a hit to its profits because of the rival product from Kim's company.

A representative for Kardashian has defended her, saying "Kim has done absolutely nothing wrong."

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